
My name is Katerina Kyselica and I’m the founder of a New York based studio KADS NY. I wear many hats (artist, designer, writer, manager, consultant, dreamer, traveler, photographer, reader, swimmer) and have many passions. Yet it seems that it all heads towards the visual and particularly things connected to printmaking, book arts, collages, hand-made and tactile. But there is more.

I come originally from the Czech Republic. I was born and raised in the former Czechoslovakia, but moved to the US in 2001. When I studied art and design in Virginia, I was perplexed by the absence of acknowledgement of cultural contributions of Czech artists, architects, intellectuals to the Western Civilization (just check the idea of cubism expended beyond painting to architecture, product design or writing; surrealism and symbolism thriving in the former Czechoslovakia; the tradition of modernist poster design in both Poland and Czechoslovakia).

So, here I am to share my own explorations, encounters with printmakers and creative people, my own projects and ventures, collaborations on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, in a hope to trigger an interest in you, an interest in Central and Eastern European visual arts, printmaking and book arts in general. There is no goal in my writing, just enjoyment of the process of discovery, enjoyment of a journey.


[If interested in my work, check my website.]

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